The James Hillman Institute was created for the welcoming, care, and development of the ideal and cultural inheritance of James Hillman, a homage, already even in the name, to one of the most distinguished figures of psychoanalysis, one of the greatest representatives and most audacious developers of Jungian thought, a pioneer of “Archetypal Psychology”

A philosopher and psychoanalyst among the most stimulating and celebrated, from whose work of incommensurable value ideas and thoughts are drawn ever more fertile and current in the most diversified fields—from psychology and philosophy to economy, from politics to architecture, to the world of education—James Hillman was both in Ortigia of Siracusa and Florence various times, also as conference speaker; at Ortigia, invited to Lectio Magistralis in Vermexio Palace by SEAF (Scuola Estiva di Alta Formazione, Summer School), devised and directed by Carlo Truppi

With Carlo Truppi, James Hillman collaborated on various occasions until the final draft of the book “L’anima dei luoghi”, an absolute text reference for anyone interested for whatever reason in the relationship between archetypal psychology, architecture and landscape

The Institute, an operational instrument of archetypal analysis for the diverse fields of lived experience, was created therefore as an association, by forging a partnership between SEAF and the Scuola Master Internazionale di Studi sull’Anima, founded and directed by Daniele Cardelli

By way of an intense training activity, research and organization of international-level events, the Institute moves as inspired by that “soulmaking”, as the dance of archetypes in the world, which Hillman invites us to seize, “to see”, and to tend to, the profound weavings of life and its contexts